The app gives parents real-time alerts and up-to-date reporting of their kid’s internet activities, including their attempts to use websites and apps deemed inappropriate by you. Keep track of your kid’s location and whereabouts with Net Nanny’s smart location technology via their devices. In addition to its ability to block apps, the app applies its effective website blocker to restrict your kids from accessing websites that you might deem harmful to their progress. You can dictate which app they can use and have access to at any time of the day. Parents can now block apps on their kid’s devices with the app’s inbuilt parental control software. To ensure premium and optimum productivity, this app enables parents to limit their kids’ screen time and lets them focus on what needs to be focused on when they need to. With the rate of influx of pornography on the internet with little or no control whatsoever, this app can help parents to limit their kids’ exposure to these adult contents or totally block them away in real-time. They can decide on which content they want their kids to see to aid their development while also blocking content that they term and feel are dangerous to their development. Internet Filter: Parents can control and curate what their kids see on the internet with the use of this app’s internet filter. Net Nanny applies the use of the following features to help parents with monitoring their kids’ activities. For parents who can’t have access to their kids or their phones round the clock, this app lets them keep an eye on their internet surfing activities and step into action when required. Information provided by the app can help parents develop a knowledge of how their kids are applying and using the internet. Net Nanny is for parents looking to filter what their kids consume over the internet positively. It applies a content detection technology to scan every webpage your kid’s view or search for instantaneously on the internet.
#Net nanny reviews software#
This parental control software uses artificial intelligence to filter away harmful content on the internet before your kids can see them. Net Nanny is software that helps parents keep an eye on their kids as it would help them monitor and control their activity on the internet. Want to know how? Here’s why What Is Net Nanny? With its team always on the lookout to develop new additions and features to the ever-changing scope of the internet, you can be rest assured that nothing will pass you by in your attempt to create a healthy online environment for your kid’s safety. One of the household names when it comes to parental control, you can rest assured that you are making the right choice engaging the services of NetNanny.

How do I know what app is best for the kids? Don’t worry we are here to help. Now while looking to solve a problem, another has arisen. Inserting the keyword “parental control” into your device’s app store would result in various suggestions popping up your screen.